Which One Should You Choose? Compression for injuries.

Which One Should You Choose? Compression for injuries.

Oct 24, 2014Tom Parker

Which One Should You Choose? Compression for injuries

Selection of the correct Helix will maximize the benefits of compression.  Continue reading to discover which Body Helix Knee product is right for you.

Full Knee Helix

The Full Knee Helix is the preferred Helix if you have suffered any major knee trauma or have had knee surgery of any type, (arthroscopic of open surgical procedure).  The Full Knee Helix provides comfortable and uniform compression to the entire knee.  So if there has been injury to any of the ligaments, menisci or tendons, all will be supported. There is also support for the distal thigh and proximal leg muscles and tendons.  Patients with degenerative or osteoarthritis of the knee report benefit not only from the compression, but also from the comfort of warmth.  Athletes of every age, sport and skill level wear the Full Knee Helix. The Full Knee Helix is not advised while playing sand volleyball.


Full Knee (Open) Helix

The Full Knee (Open) Helix offers all of the benefits of the Full Knee Helix but with an opening for the patella (kneecap), so there is no additional stress on the kneecap or the structures behind the kneecap.  The reinforced opening lends support to the sides of the kneecap, helping it to track correctly for those with Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome (runner's knee).


Adjustable Knee Helix


The Adjustable Knee Helix offers the benefit of ease of placement when compared to the Full Knee Helix (Open).  This Helix allows the adjustment of the tension applied.  Support for the femoral and patellar tendons and lateral ligaments is provided.  This Helix was developed at the request of a medical doctor who had reports of improved arthritis pain control with the use of the Full Knee Helix but the patients were unable to pull the Full Knee Helix into position because of weakness or arthritis. Athletes like the smaller Adjustable Knee Helix when support of the thigh and calf tendons is not necessary.


Patella Helix

The Patella Helix provides focused support and stabilization for the patella and the patellar tendon.  This is ideal for athletes diagnosed with Paatellofemoral Pain Sydrome (runner’s knee).  Tracking refers to the correct positioning of the patella in a central location and several conditions can be associated with incorrect tracking such that the patella moves side to side.  The Patella Helix improves correct patellar tracking. These photos demonstrates correct placement for these benefits. 


Knee Helix

When compared to the Patella Helix support for the patella tendon is slightly less with the Knee Helix but there is more support for the lateral and medial ligaments.  There is less support for the distal thigh muscles and proximal leg muscles when compared to the Full Knee Helix.  Because the Knee Helix provides more warmth to a larger portion of the patella tendon with slightly less presure, it is an excellent choice for patellar tendonitits (jumper's knee).  It is also ideal for minor strains of the medial and lateral ligaments, meniscus issues, and minor arthritic conditions.



Please remember severe or prolonged pain can signify significant injury for which medical evaluation is indicated.  Although our knee compression wraps may reduce pain caused by injury or arthritis, you don't want to mask symptoms that would indicate treatment other than support or compression is beneficial.

Tom Parker, MD CEO Body Helix

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