Learn. Share. Inspire. 3 magical lessons to share with your valued friends. The secret formula.
In today's blog, I'd like to offer some insight into the phrase with which I close each blog: LEARN. SHARE. INSPIRE. These words are meant to add value to the world around you. The 'LEARN SHARE INSPIRE' algorithm may be a little bio-cultivating magic. Allow me to introduce (or reintroduce) our company:
Body Helix was founded to help athletes and those passionate about fitness. We've grown into a trusted resource for injury management and optimal hydration. But we want to be more than that. Much more.
Building on our unique definition of a sports company, Body Helix comes to the rescue when you are injured so you can get back to training or activity. Our mission is to offer the highest quality compression products through innovation. We develop our products utilizing the science of movement.
But let's back up. We had to learn quite a bit before we could do this. We performed exhaustive testing – trials and errors. We went through hundreds of prototypes and stretch comparisons. We evaluated cutting-edge fabric science, including the cellular structure of the material.
All compression is not created equal! We landed on a well-thought-out product line and now manufacture the best compression products on the planet. We also brought the dependability of 'form fit' technology and machine wash and dry convenience. And our products are non-petrochemical and latex-free. We had a lot to consider.
When you train and compete, Body Helix has you covered. Think of our "X" logo on the products as our stamp of approval. Each time you see it, you know the product has been designed, vetted, tested, and approved by athletes for athletes. Our job puts your health and fitness first.
We moved into the nutrition sector because we felt the void in the marketplace for true sports hydration. Unlike the plethora of disingenuous food and drink companies, we have chosen to recommend an honest, scientific, and conscientious hydration product.

Again, we did our research. We were sad to discover how most sports drinks are manufactured and marketed. More importantly, we learned how to be different and offer an unmatched formula. Our replenishment comes to the rescue by increasing your endurance, thus allowing you to compete at higher levels.
In addition to our products, Body Helix strives to convey meaningful, useable knowledge enabling you to increase your healthspan. Every week we suggest something that has the potential to spark you to get moving and ignite the fire of wellness.
At Body Helix, we start with an unapologetic obsession with exceptional quality. From beginners to champions, our products and our blogs exist to support everyone – to help them move through it. It's why we're here.
Stepping up to your dream can be fraught with difficulties. Many small businesses fail because the creators extoll an absolute glorious dream without meaning. Body Helix is a small business that has faced challenges. But we've remained steadfast in our purpose and sustained our dream.
Just like many of you, we were significantly impacted by the pandemic. We persevered. We found a way. Body Helix changed, adapted, and fine-tuned. One of our company philosophies is always to remain pliable. Pliability describes the state of resilience, enabling one to absorb force and operate efficiently.
This veteran-owned company is committed to "Made in America." We proudly believe in our democracy. We believe in building a united future of equality for the next generation. Every person in our diverse enterprise strives to bring benefit to our customers. We think we do just that, right here at home.
Body Helix practices salutogenesis. The salutogenic approach to human health is a proactive awareness of the factors contributing to promoting and maintaining good physical and mental well-being. What could be more meaningful or important than your health?
We are compelled to establish Body Helix as a trusted source of salutary principles. We embrace potable thinking and neural cultivating. We bring truthful information from real modern science. It's who we are.
In the same way that sports giants pay close attention to details and study every aspect of their sport, at Body Helix, we do, too. Our core values demand that everything we produce be the most effective option. We're not afraid to challenge the status quo. We refuse to compromise.
A world of unhealthy choices inundates us. Yet, champions of health and fitness also surround us – if we know where to look. Body Helix distills advice from many divergent resources. We bring you practical tips steeped in science. We've coined this practice bio-cultivating.
It's frustrating to sift through the bombardment of half-truths and misinformation in today's world. We believe you deserve the most accurate data and best choices that honest modern science can offer.
By cultivating and exploring a growth mindset, we hope to encourage wholesome lifestyle choices. By providing the finest compression gear and unsurpassed sports fuel, we help keep you active – a necessity for increasing your healthspan.
As I watch Body Helix continue to mature as a company, I can't help but reflect on the struggles and the accomplishments that have shaped our mission. I am reminded of the ongoing improvements and collaborations our team and our customers have experienced together. It is our privilege to help as many as possible get and stay healthy. It's what we do.

If the content in our brains were transcribed into language, it would be the equivalent of more than 4 billion books inside our heads – a massive amount of data in a tiny place. A hungry mind is a core human need and a determinant of success. A hungry mind pursues more than facts and tests the limits of what one can do.
Knowledge is the most powerful tool to achieve or do anything. Accurate knowledge is required for sound decision-making. The ability to acquire knowledge, preserve it, and pass it on to the future generation is necessary for preserving life.
Learning with our minds is usually less painful than learning with our bodies. Our minds can get us farther and faster along the right path. Epiphany comes when we admit how little we know. That can be frightening and, most assuredly, humbling.
In the weekly blogs from your friends at Body Helix, you'll find a wide variety of subjects, all of which are intended to help you improve your lifestyle and healthspan. We cover topics like nutrition, training techniques, grit, rehab/prehab, self-awareness, and much more.
In this world of intelligence tools that extend our impact more widely, Body Helix is building an expansive database that allows access to the information you can trust. You can be confident we've done our research. And you may even learn about perspectives that change your perceptions. We present our blogs solely for your benefit – no hidden agendas.
The human brain is a precious and amazing computer. Pondering information that your brain absorbs is a form of 'mind-coding.' We've heard the phrase, "You become what you think about." It's true. The person you are now is a result of years of 'mind-coding.'
Luckily, we can rewire connections. Our minds have neuroplasticity. The brain learns. New mind codes create belief. These beliefs then form our attitudes. Our attitudes, in turn, establish feelings. Our feelings determine our actions. Finally, our actions generate results. Thus, data accuracy is crucial, and intent also plays a role.
Coach's sidebar: Ponder this mind-coding question. How much do you value your friends? I bet the common answer is "A great deal" or "I'd do anything I could for them." If you could provide a benefit for your friend, would you? Again, you're probably saying, "Yes, of course." Let's put it to the test. (I'll be testing me, too.) The next time you have a conversation with a friend, stop and ask yourself if the conversation will benefit, uplift, or inspire your friend.
If the answer is "Not really" or "Hard to tell," pause until you're sure the conservation will bring value. Don't disparage. Don't malign. Don't burden. Instead, encourage, lighten, and strengthen. "If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all." Years ago, Thumper's little rabbit uttered those wise words in the classic Disney film Bambi. Use every conversation with a friend to learn, share, and inspire.
Humans are genetically wired to be seekers of knowledge. Body Helix is in constant pursuit of worthwhile advice. We learn as much as we can, then share it with you. We want to inspire you to raise your bar in whatever field you pursue. As your curiosity is piqued and you gain accurate, helpful information, pass it to your friends. When we are in service to our friends, we bring happiness to our lives and value to theirs. This is the secret formula.
Now, you've coded it in your mind. You 'get it.' Your friends count on you because they know you 'get it.' What a fun journey for you and your friend to improve your healthspan together! Of course, as is common with good news, you pass it along to more people. At some point, an undercurrent of revelation begins to develop. Your network of friends builds inspiration from the energy of each other, and magically 'LEARN SHARE INSPIRE' comes alive. It's the code that can change the world.
In a future blog, we'll probe more into the 'LEARN SHARE INSPIRE' algorithm and introduce the concept of 'mind dumping.' It may prove to be a practice that could change the space you inhabit on this planet.
One of the biggest reasons Body Helix continues to learn, share, and inspire is because of you. So many of our readers and customers overwhelmingly support our efforts and help us grow. The entire Body Helix team is extremely grateful for each of you. Please continue along this journey of discovery with us.
Learn. Share. Inspire.
Be well, my friends.
Coach Fred